Flight and Walk for Heart and Stroke!

I enjoyed being part of a team for the Heart and Stroke walk on June 6th. Mike and I did a heart-shaped walk around the neighbourhood:

We then flew a heart-shaped pattern over Niagara. I plotted the flight out first on my GPS, and the way points spelled HEART AND STROKE:

It was great to be part of this event. You can see the results on my Heart and Stroke page. Thank you so much again to those who donated!

I really haven’t had too much to report. I’ve been busy with gardening. Since I’m not going to any nurseries, I decided to try and grow my own plants via seeds. I also nabbed some greenery from my wee mother! I’m so grateful for her plant donations because I wouldn’t have anything without them.

Today’s symptoms: I’m just recovering from my second dose (yay!) I got three days ago. I had to shorten the time between doses to four to six weeks, due to the MS medication I’m on. Hopefully I’ll be feeling fantastic by the weekend!