Still Recovering

I woke up not quite as congested today.  There was also less blood streaked down the lower half of my face!  I still start bleeding again when I’m sitting up or standing for more than ten minutes.  This is a bit of a bummer because I would love to go back to work either tomorrow or Thursday.  Oh, the swelling is still there too.  This is what I look like:

I’ve learned that frozen veggies rather than ice cubes feel much better on the face, as they’re not quite so sharp.  As you can see, I painted my nails during my hours of boredom.  Here’s a better view of the funky Mosaic Top Coat (Avon):

Gee, looks like I was a little sloppy on my middle finger.  Oh well.

At least I’m a little more awake today so I’ve been doing a bit of reading.  I also phoned the surgeon’s office to book my follow-up appointment.  The first date and time she offered me was perfect – during the afternoon of my day off.  I have my Tysabri infusion that morning.  I hope he doesn’t stick that big camera thing up my sore schnozzola again!  I’ll just tell him to use his imagination instead.

My kitties are still keeping me company, which has been very comforting.  Makes it a little hard to view my computer while it’s on my lap though:

Today’s symptoms:  Not really feeling any MS symptoms today.  Not sure how much of my headache is from the surgery, and how much MS.  I’m assuming it’s mostly from the surgery though.  Fatigue level is a little better today.  Tomorrow will be even better!


Good news – I survived my sinus and septum surgery!  My mother met me at my apartment around 8:00am on Friday, and we headed over to the St. Catharines General Hospital around 8:15.  I was surprised that I wasn’t nervous at all, but figured I would be once I checked in.  We headed up to the fourth floor and were taken up to the fifth floor about 25 minutes later.  The nurse handed me a sexy gown to wear, along with some booties and hair net thing.  Due to all of the cutbacks, they do things a little differently now.  In order to maximize their beds, they actually remove your head and just take that into the operating room, along with a couple other heads.  This is me after mine was removed:

Ok, not really.  I just didn’t want y’all to see me with the dorky hair net hat thingie on.

I have to admit – the nurses there were all so nice!  It shouldn’t be surprising to hear that I was joking around the whole time, even when I got up on the operating table.  One of the nurses in the operating room saw me come in and said “Here comes the comedian!”

I think the surgery was only 45 minutes or so.  As usual, when I came out of the anesthetic, I shook like crazy.  The nurse brought me freshly heated blankets and that seemed to do the trick.  The thing I found frustrating when I came to was the fact that I couldn’t swallow.  I guess my throat was still a tad frozen.  I kept coughing and clearing my throat to try and get the feeling back.  It took quite some time before I could swallow again.  Before being taken down to the day surgery recovery room, Betty, who brought my mother and I up to the fifth floor, walked into the room.  I yelled “Hi Betty!” and gave her a big wave.  She came over and asked how I was doing.  I was great, since I was still drugged.  They brought me down to the fourth floor.  Soon after parking my bed, a nurse was walking in my direction and caught her toe on a medical cart.  Ugh!  I yelled “Oh no!” as she went down to the ground.  It was horrible to watch.  I don’t think she was hurt though.  Soon after, another nurse walked in at the opposite end of the room.  Someone said “Heather is here” so I yelled “Hello Heather!” and waved.  I’m such a whack job.  My nurse asked me about my pain and I said it was about a 7 out of 10.  She got me a couple Arrowroot crackers to go with the Tylenol 3.  They were delicious, as I was SO hungry.  About thirty minutes later she asked what my pain level was and I said 3.7 – yes, I tend to be a little too accurate sometimes.  I told the nurse that I really needed to use the washroom, so she helped me and my IV bag off of the bed.  I can’t believe I did this – I know I wasn’t supposed to bend over.  However, in public washrooms, I always hover.  This caused me to be bent over and the blood just came flying out of my schnoz.  After finishing, I opened the bathroom door and said “Cleanup in aisle 8!”  I felt really bad as I made a pretty big mess.  The nurse brought me back over to the bed and I rested for another twenty minutes or so before she phoned me mother to come get me.  My nurse was so nice and kind – I told her if I had any money, I would give her a tip.  My mother met us at the back of the hospital and we drove the five minutes back to my apartment.

Back home, everything was fine for the first few hours.  Then the drugs and freezing wore off.  Ouch!  Mind you, the pain in my head wasn’t as bad as the worse sinus headaches I’ve ever had.  There was just a fair amount of pressure and the inside of my nose felt beat up, like someone opened a can of whoopass on it!  My mother and I just sat and watched TV.  She helped me make a massive bowl of cereal while she heated her pizza.  I was really surprised that I wasn’t nauseous at all.  The only thing I didn’t expect was the pain in my teeth.  Mind you, I’ve heard many people say that sinus infections causes pain in their teeth.

I probably shouldn’t have taken those three Tylenol 3′s throughout the day, as the caffeine in them kept me up most of the night.  Well, plus the fact that I had to lay on my back at a 30 degree angle (not overly comfortable).  Jan and I watched a few episodes of Will & Grace in the morning, then she headed back home.  I was so appreciative for her being there for me – thanks Jan!

I’ve spent the last three days just resting and trying to deal with the pain and discomfort.  I think it’s a bit better today!  Fortunately, my little goobers have been keeping me company:

You can see Pinky’s little ear at the top of the photo.

Abby was licking her paw….

…then fell asleep:

She’s so cute!

My face is a tad swollen.  Ice packs seem to help a bit.  No bruising, at least.

I think I’ll attempt to get caught up on my emails tomorrow.  I haven’t been able to yet as I keep falling asleep.  Not getting too much reading done either.

Today’s symptoms: Sore, achy, tired, blah….Not too sure how many MS symptoms I’m experiencing though.

Day Before Surgery

For some reason, I was more nervous about the surgery yesterday than I am today.  Maybe it’s because I haven’t slept well over the last few nights and am too tired to be really nervous.  I just can’t wait until it’s over with and I get through a few days of recovery!  At least I’ll have my wonderful children with me.  What could be more comforting than opening your eyes to this:

Ok, maybe that’s a bad example!  Oh, she’s still cute.

My mother and I went to the chiropractor yesterday.  The car dealership next door had this rather amusing sign posted:

Tee hee!

I noticed my website hit 11,000 hits the other day!  Yea!

Thanks, everyone!

I’ll post about the surgery as soon as I can.  Stay tuned.

Today’s symptoms: A little more tired than usual today, since I haven’t been sleeping well over the last few days.  Just a few sharp pains here and there, but nothing major.

Heat Blahs

You know what’s embarrassing? When a TV commercial mentions a new medication, doesn’t state what it’s for, then says “Ask your doctor about it.” Do you know how many times I’ve made a doctor appointment and asked her about a specific medication, and she replies “Liz, that’s for erectile dysfunction.” Hello! The commercial told me to ask my doctor about it! Geesh, be more specific. Mind you, they don’t have time to say what the drug is for since 27 out of the 30 seconds of the commercial is about potential side effects.

Anyway, it was a very warm, yucky day today.  The temperature at the office was a tad too toasty for me, and I ended up going home just after noon.  After dropping off my stuff upstairs, I went back down and loaded up my window air conditioner and dehumidifier on a cart.  I had the curtains and windows closed, so my apartment actually wasn’t too bad.  I put the AC in the living room, but still have not turned it on.  I have the fan going and it’s not too bad – much cooler than the office!  I have a heat intolerance, as most people with MS have, so I’m hopeful this summer doesn’t have too many days like today. 

Lately I’ve noticed that most of Boo’s pipe cleaners (her favourite toy) have gone AWOL.  I checked under the fridge and found four.  I pulled the oven cabinet out and saw this little surprise:

Actually, it’s not really surprising as I go through this every few months.  She’s so weird.

Another not surprising cat moment was Mya sprawled out in the sun:

Pinky flopped over too, soon after I took this pic.  I only allow them out in the sun after 4:00 when it’s not quite so intense.  I certainly don’t want lobster kitties.  They’re weird enough as it is!

For some reason, I’ve been really weak over the last week.  I’m usually ok in the morning, then I crash hard by the afternoon.  This is the fourth day in a week that I’ve had to crawl onto the bed and sleep for an hour or so.  Mind you, I wake up feeling just as poorly.  I don’t think that’s fair!

Only a few more days until my joyous sinus and septum surgery!  Oh boy!  I can’t wait!

Today’s symptoms:  Very weak and fatigued today.  Also, I had some crushing pains in my left foot.  Fortunately, it only lasted for about an hour.  Tomorrow will be better!


I almost forgot!  Janice from the Tower at the Airport gave me a strawberry from her own garden that she hand-picked today!  How nice was that!  As I was leaving after my visit, I was skipping down the stairs (like a dork) when the strawberry suddenly flew out of my hand!  Before picking it up, I inadvertantly kicked it.  Fortunately, it survived and made the trip home.  After buffing out the footprint and polishing it up a little, I had it as a wonderful appetizer:

Thanks again, Janice!

Duck Race!

Man, this weekend flew by pretty quickly.  It was good though.  I was able to go for a flight yesterday.  Took the Chief Flight Instructor of the St. Catharines Flying Club up for some aerobatics.  He enjoyed it and hopes to go up again.  Today was the Kiwanis Duck Race, which I volunteered to fly over and take pictures.  They were supposed to start at 2:00, but it was closer to 2:15 before they dropped the ducks from the sea container attached to a crane.  It was quite neat to see – just a big blob of yellow duckies:

They quickly headed out toward Lake Ontario:

It was a decent turn-out, as folks cheered on the ducks over to the finish line:

It seemed to only take a few minutes for the first blob of ducks to cross the finish line.  How they tell who was first is beyond me!

Congrats to the winners!  Now I just have to wait for someone from Kiwanis to contact me so I know where to send the pics.

My afternoons haven’t been too good over the last few days.  Someone had to drive me home from work early on Friday, because I was so weak.  After my flight yesterday, I was hit with the same weakness and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in bed.  Starting to go downhill now today too.  Hmmm….must just be stressed about my upcoming surgery.  Something like that.

When I woke up this morning, I noticed that Boo and Mya were sitting side by side.  I said to them “Boo, you guys are buddies, aren’t you?”  At that point, Boo looked back at me, then put her paw around Mya’s back.  How cute is this:

And to think they were the worst of enemies when I first brought Boo and Pinky home.  Glad things turned around for the better.

Today’s symptoms:  Felt great this morning and early into the afternoon.  Starting to get a little weak and tired now, but it isn’t as bad as the last two days.  Must have just been a biological slip.

Busy Day

I can’t believe how this week is flying by!  Speaking of which, despite the rain on Monday night, I was still able to fly out to my Recreational Aircraft Association meeting in Welland.  Yup, an arduous seven minute flight south of St. Catharines.  I passed this boat in the canal on the way:

It started to rain right after I took this pic.  The clouds were still fairly high and the visibility was decent, so I carried on:

Welland Airport soon came into view:

On a bright note, I got a free plane wash out of the deal:

I had to get Vyctor back to St. Catharines by 8:00pm, so he could be safely put away in the hangar for the night.  Fortunately, it was only drizzling by the time I had to leave.

It’s been a busy time, as it’s Public Service Week, so quite a few events at work.  I was asked to be the photographer for the events.  Today was my compressed day off, but I was asked to come in to take pictures of the recognition awards ceremony.  Also, I was nominated for an award.  Yea!  We were given ice cream cake after the presentations.  I think it’s the first time I’ve had it – quite good!

This morning, Jan and I went to the States as I was running low on cereal and soup.  Check out this new joyous yum-ol-a product:

Mmmmm…..Cinnabon…..if they had Cinnabon spaghetti, I would buy it!

Anyway, we hit Timmy’s on the way back, then to the pet store and Costco.  I then went out to Fonthill for my 11:45 doctor appointment.  Back in St. Catharines, I dropped off my car at the apartment and walked to work.  Since I went in on my day off, I get to leave early tomorrow, which will be nice.  On the way there, I passed this person driving around with a Tim Hortons coffee on their roof:

I blurred out their face to protect them from embarrassment.

I had my pre-op appointment at the hospital yesterday.  I was told that someone needs to be with me the night after my surgery, so I don’t die from massive blood loss or something.  Fortunately, my little mother has agreed to sleep over that night.  My friend from work was so kind in lending us her air mattress, so Jan doesn’t have to sleep on the couch – thanks again!!!  I was given some post-surgery instructions, which indicated that I should breath once I’m conscious:

Good to know!  I’ll set a reminder on my iPhone just to be sure.

I believe this diagram indicates which way the blood and phlegm will fly from my body:

I like how the nurse also drew a picture of blood-saturated gauze under the nose.  Yup, feeling great about have this done next week.  Yee-haw!

Today’s symptoms: Felt pretty darn good except for some crushing pains in my left hand.  A tad more fatigued than usual, but I also did a lot of running around today.

1st Trip To Lindsay Airport

There was a fly-in at Lindsay Airport today, which is in or near Kawartha Lakes.  I decided to head out before 9:00 this morning. 

A tow-plane with a glider was heading up to Trenton, soon after I took off:

No issues heading through Toronto Airspace, other than the Tower warning me of oncoming traffic.  Fortunately, I spotted him right away:

He passed to my right with no issues:

I came fairly close to the CN Tower.  I wish it wasn’t quite so smoggy/foggy:

The Island Airport off to my right:

Here’s some funky, window-saturated building, with a pool.  Excuse me – Geesh!

Passing by this lake before landing at Lindsay:

I followed a couple planes in to land at Lindsay.  I think quite a few more people drove rather than flew.  As usual, I had one of the cutest planes there:

Once there, I wasn’t planning on staying there too long – just long enough to pick up a bunch of their “World Famous Butter Tarts.”  I purchased three then phoned my mother.  She informed me that she would like lots.  Therefore, I bought three more.  Geesh again!

Heading back to my plane, I was relieved to see Vyctor was still the cutest plane in the lineup:

Even with a rubber chicken hanging off his pitot static tube.  What a classy dude.

A Tiger Moth passed me while on the taxiway:

Actually, I passed three other aircraft taxiing in while I was heading out to the runway.  I pulled to the side for each of them and waved.  No one returned the favour or even provided an acknowledgement.  Whatever – just a sign of the times, I guess!

Taking off from runway 13:

Back over Lake Scugog:

And back through smoggy ol’ Toronto:

Lots of sailboats on the Lake:

Once back in St. Catharines, I bid Vyctor adieu and then headed to Fonthill to drop off the tarts.  It was a great day, for the most part!

Today’s symptoms:  Felt great all morning and into the afternoon.  As usual, the flight pooped me out.  Still dealing with a nasty sinus headache too.  Only a couple weeks until my surgery – paws crossed that it helps!

Infusion Day

This morning, I gave some training at work for Windows 7 and Office 2010.  Soon after the course was over, my mother met me at the office and we headed over to the apartment.  We dropped off some loot, switched cars and headed to Burlington for my monthly IV infusion of the MS drug Tysabri.  As usual, we arrived insanely early, but fortunately, there was only one other person there, so the nurse was able to hook me up right away.  On the ride there, I was saying to my little mother that it’s weird I still get a little queasy when she puts in the IV.  I would have thought it would get better with time, but it hasn’t.  It’s not like I freak out or anything – although sometimes I pretend to just to annoy the nurse.  Tee hee!  Anyway, the infusion went well and I’m glad it’s over with for another month. 

Jan and I stopped at Petsmart on the way home.  There were a couple items on sale that I wanted, plus all other items were 15% off, as per the coupon my friend emailed me.  As we started pulling out of the parking lot, I asked Jan to check the receipt to see if they gave me the discount.  Nope!  Words of Lizdom: Always check your receipt before you leave the store.  Ugh!  At least only two bags of treats were what I was charged full price for, not the big stuff.

Once back at the apartment, Jan helped me bring the stuff upstairs.  After she left, I noticed her coat was thrown out on the balcony:

Mya sniffed it and Abby did this weird, stretch-paw-strong pose as she walked on by.  I still don’t know why my mother threw it out on the balcony.  She blamed it on the kitties when I mentioned it to her.  Nice….

Oh, I mentioned during my previous blog that a car drove through the burnt out building just down the road from me.  Here’s a pic from the paper:

Apparently someone ploughed through two people in this parking lot, then crossed the road into the building.  I haven’t heard the details, if the driver was drunk or something.

To end this post, I would like to share with you this adorable little photo.  Mya brought her blue fishy friend up on the cable box with her:

What a sweetie!

Today’s symptoms: Felt pretty good this morning, although my headache is getting worse from my sinus issues.  Only a few weeks left until my sinus surgery – yea!  Since this evening, I’ve been feeling pretty crappy from my IV infusion.  I usually feel like I have the full-blown flu during the evening and night of my infusion, mildly flu-ish the next day, then fine the day after. 


I officially live in a weird area.  I think I showed pictures of an arson down the road from me a few months ago.  A woman purchased a front unit in a building just down the road from me.  Within a few days of the grand opening of her art gallery, she decided to torch the place:

Here it is the next day:

I went out with a bunch of friends tonight and on the way home, our street was blocked off by cops.  I went around a couple other streets to get over to my apartment, but they were blocked too.  I eventually made it home and checked the area from my balcony to witness this little scene:

Yup, a car drove right through the protective fence that is surrounding the burned-out building:

It’s a couple hours later and they still have the area blocked off.  It will be interesting to hear what happened.

Today’s symptoms:  Felt pretty darn good today!  My fatigue level was lower than normal and very few aches and pains.  Yea!


It was a decent week.  Monday was World MS Day and there was a large meeting with the MS Society at a hotel in Niagara Falls.  To show support for the day, they were to light up Niagara Falls red.  I thought it would be nice to fly over and get some pictures of the Falls lit up.  I took off just as the sun was setting:

I flew over Jan’s house and she went out on the balcony (in her nightgown!) to wave at me:

Lookin’ cute, Jan.  Nice slippers.

I phoned the Niagara Chapter of the MS Society earlier in the day, to find out when the Falls would be lit up.  They were told 8:45.  Well, here’s what the Falls looked like at 8:50:

Doesn’t look too red to me.  Here’s a shot almost 20 minutes later:

Let’s see – that appears to be mostly green.  What the heck?  I phoned the MS Society the next day and they couldn’t believe it either.  They were all standing there in the conference room of the hotel, watching for the lights to change to red.  It never happened.  It was advertised and everything.  I’m still waiting to hear back regarding why the Falls wasn’t lit.  Ugh.  At least it was still a nice flight.

I was supposed to go for another flight yesterday.  It was to fly over a charity golf tournament.  Unfortunately, the weather was really bad, so the flight didn’t happen.  I must have checked the weather at least 30 times that morning, plus two calls to London Flight Services for weather reports.  Things just got worse as the day went on.  There were even urgent reports from large passenger jet pilots in Toronto, stating there was pretty severe turbulence in the area.  I was so bummed to be grounded that day.

Today’s symptoms: Felt pretty good, although a little more fatigued than normal since the time I got up this morning.  Still dealing with a worsening sinus issue.  I’ll be glad to have my sinus and septum surgery later this month.