What a Great Day!

The weather was supposed to be decent this morning so Mike and I could go for a flight.  We arrived at the airport after 10:00, as we first had to wait for the fog to burn off.  We chatted with my friends at the Club and then we climbed aboard Vyctor.  I phoned the tower as the clouds were really getting close and low.  We determined it would be good enough to at least do some circuits.  We climbed up to 1500′ and realized that it would not be a long flight.  Total time: 9 minutes.  Bummer but at least we got to fly.


And we got to see our new house from the air:


Yup, it’s somewhere down there.  We’ve flown over it a couple times before but I never saw it.  There were other planes in the vicinity so I had to keep my eyes on the sky.  As no one else was flying today, I had a better chance to look.

Since we can no longer fly anywhere for breakfast, we hit Timmies on the way home.  Not quite the same but still yummy and really hit the spot.  Once home, we greeted our furless felines:


I decided to add some Irish cream to our coffees.  I opened it up and the entire bottle was a gelatinous blob of spoiled gooey grossness.  Bummer.


I ended up spending the afternoon gardening and Mike did some organizing and installations.  Very productive day for both of us!  I could never understand how my mother spent hours and hours gardening, but now I see how addictive it is.  I’m absolutely loving it and find it fun and relaxing.

I made another friend today.  This is Svendalyn.  I always loved finding toads as a kid and I see nothing has changed.  I cleaned out the window well and placed him back down.  Then I made him some of Peanut’s (gecko) noms:


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The reaction from my little mother wasn’t surprising:



Tee Hee!

After all of the work we did today, we decided to treat ourselves with a store-bought pizza.  We’re trying out different ones around the area.  Good pizza and a nice paw warmer for Mya:


I’m looking forward to tomorrow.  I’ve been pulling up bamboo from my back yard and we are going to plant it along the back at Jan’s tomorrow.  Hopefully everyone is feeling good and the weather is decent.

Today’s symptoms: It was a better than normal day for me energy-wise, which was greatly appreciated.  I’m on day three of very bad crushing pains in my hands.  It’s weird in that it seems to be quite steady in intensity but actually using my hands only makes it a bit worse.  So I’m glad it’s not limiting me in that sense.  I’ll be content with a similar day tomorrow, although I certainly won’t complain if the pain decides to fly the coop.

Meeting the Neighbours

So a few of us met the next door kitty:

We’ve been organizing, cleaning and making some modifications. It’s been so much fun and satisfying. I don’t think it’s fully sunk in yet that it’s our house. It still feels like we’re visiting a nice cottage somewhere.

As of right now I’m so pooped, I can hardly think. I best keep this one short. I don’t want to over-utilize my remaining functioning brain cells.

Today’s symptoms. I slept fairly well last night and had decent energy today. I live for days where the fatigue isn’t out in full force and the pain levels are down as well. I was able to do more organizing today and feel really good about the things I got done.  I’m just paying for it a bit now, but it’s totally worth it.

I actually wrote this post yesterday but forgot to post it. My bad! 

Moved Into the New House!

It has been a crazy and wonderful couple of weeks. Mike and I are now in our new house in Port Weller.


Everything went very smoothly. The movers, Two Men and a Truck were amazing. We highly recommend them. As of today, pretty much everything is unpacked, sorted and put away. It feels great. We still have pictures to hang and a few small things to find homes for, but that’s about it. Once things are somewhat back to normal, we will replace the carpeting upstairs, the upstairs bathroom floor, plus put a floating floor in the basement. We will also do some repainting. We were lucky that the appliances were included. We have already replaced the kitchen faucet and upstairs bathroom toilet. I’m looking forward to the winter weather ending (hopefully by August) so I can go clean up and organize the shed.

My mother let us have her insanely heavy cement bird bath. She has had the base for almost 40 years. We had to replace the top around 25 years ago after an unfortunate accident. It’s very comforting to look out and see something that I’ve seen in the backyard of my childhood home since I was just a nugget.


We still feel like we’re vacationing in a nice cottage here. It’s such a difference from my apartment and his apartment-style condo. I’m still taken aback a little when I come down the stairs and see the screen door out to the porch. The outside is right there. That seems weird but to get outside from my apartment, I would have to open the door to the hall, wait for the elevator, step out of the elevator then through the lobby, through a small vestibule then out the front door. It’s nice seeing my car Lola Corolla sitting right there rather than being down in a parking garage.

We haven’t made the effort to sit outside or go for a walk since we’ve been so busy. That and we’ve already put our winter clothing away.  However, we did head out to the airport Sunday morning for a flight.  Apparently, I was the only one out flying that morning, according to Brian in the air traffic tower.  It’s still weird to see everything looking like a ghost town, such as Niagara College:


We flew down to Lake Erie.  It wasn’t surprising to see empty beaches (both due to COVID and the close to freezing temps).  Even this lighthouse looked cold:


We only checked out Niagara Falls from a distance:


It was a really nice flight and it was just so nice to get out and up!

Since it was Mother’s Day, my little mother came over for a visit.  We needed groceries and so did she, so after having some Timmies, her and Mike went to Zehrs to pick some things up for the next couple of weeks.  We’ve been trying to limit our grocery outings to only about once every two weeks.  Not too long after they got back, we had dinner.  Mya and Abby decided to try and get in on the action:



I told the dorks that they had to wait with the rest of their sisters for noms later on:


I guess being cute all day and spending some time in the sun really drums up an appetite:


So life is quite good right now for all of us!

Today’s symptoms: I think I slept quite well last night but am feeling kinda blah today.  I’m really fatigued and I’m having tons of nerve pains in my hands and forearms.  Hopefully that and this bad headache bugger off tomorrow!