Rush From The Air

Had a nice little surprise the other day.  I was interviewed by someone from the Standard while at Airport Fest.  I assumed she was just going to write a sentence or two in an article about the event.  I was so shocked to see she did a whole article on me.  I’m so flattered! On the front page too:


She did a great job.  You can read the article here:  She got a couple of nice pics too:

Airport Fest2

Airport Fest

Had another great airplane-related adventure today too.  I took up the granddaughter of one of our Recreational Aircraft Association members.  She wanted to do aerobatics.  I must say, she was one of the most hard-core passengers I’ve had!  I could do every maneuver with her and she never flinched once.  She’s even looking forward to going up again!


It was very humid today so due to the extra moisture in the air, the plane didn’t perform quite a nimbly as usual.  It took us over seven minutes just to get up to 4000′.  Pulling the plane through maneuvers was really exhausting.  I was soaked (yuck!) by the end of the flight.  Great time though!

I noticed the airport got an awesome new sign at the main entrance:


Purdy!  Not sure when it will be turned on though.

I got a great pic of all four goobers last night.  It’s a very rare occurrence!


Could they be any cuter???

Today’s symptoms: Felt really good this morning.  Had plenty of energy for the flight.  Unfortunately, the heat and flight itself really took it’s toll and I had to leave work an hour and a half early to go home and rest.  Tomorrow will be better though!  I’m going to sleep well tonight (I hope!)

Airport Fest

Had an amazing day yesterday.  It was Airport Fest at the Niagara District Airport (St. Catharines).  I had my plane on display again this year.  I got there just after 10:00 and had a prime display spot:


The show ran from 12:00 – 5:00.  Planes were coming in for the first couple of hours.




There were also military vehicles on display, I thought there was supposed to be live music but I didn’t see/hear any.  May have been on the other side of the terminal.

The beauty of having a high-wing airplane is that there is always shade to sit in.  Mike and I had our lawn chairs set up so were able to stay out of the sun.  As last year, lots of kids saw my plane and said it looked like Dusty from Disney Planes.  Last year a couple of the kids were a little rough with the rudder pedals when they sat in my plane, so I had blocks under them this time.  One less thing to worry about.

A couple of women were dressed up as Rosie the Riveter.  I asked them to pose in front of Vyctor:


My friend from the Flying Club brought his awesome motorcycle over and parked it under my wing.  I got this neat shot of Vyctor in the reflection of his engine:


I was the last plane left after 4:30.  I would have gone earlier but I had a memorial fly-over at 5:30 in Beamsville.  It was one of our RAA members who passed away last year.  I gave him his last flight a couple years ago – an aerobatic flight over Welland.  His family said he spoke about the flight quite a bit and even had a picture of us in my plane on his fridge.  They were all meeting at his grave site yesterday and asked if I would do a little flight over the cemetery in his honour.  After that flight, I headed back to St. Catharines.  Before I arrived, I thought it would be neat to fly over Mike’s sister’s house, as they were having a birthday party for their two year old daughter.  I phoned Mike, who left Airport Fest early to attend the party, and he let me know when I was directly overhead.  Apparently everyone really loved the show!  Headed back to St. Catharines again.  By the time I got back, I had been flying for over an hour and a half.  I landed and talked to a few folks at the St. Catharines Flying Club corn roast.  I figured I would give them a little air show, so back up I went and did some aerobatics for the crowd.  Good times, but an exhausting day.  I really paid for it today, spending most of the day on the couch or in bed.  I knew this would happen, due to the long day yesterday, plus the heat.  It was worth it though.  Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to bed tonight!

What would a blog be without at least one kittah pic.  Here is one of Mya and Pinky, chilling on the couch:


Today’s symptoms: Completely drained and feeling pretty lousy.  Yesterday, on the other hand, was great!  I felt really good and still can’t believe I had enough energy for that long day.